Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Making a Living

Today I did yet another craft fair. And as I do these, I learn. Each one is a learning experience. But I tell ya, it takes some stomach not to crumble to the disparaging internalized critic. Damn it! Why is that voice so hard to de-program? There are as so many factors to consider in the Post-Mortem problem solving part of the day. Did sales not go well because it's the end of the summer craft fair season, the lull before the Xmas spend storm? Is it the economy and people just aren't buying as much as they did a year ago? Is it that my items are too overpriced, lousy quality, not designed enough? Is what I make just plain SHIT!?!

Yeah. Well. That's the moment to get my over-analyzing head to go for a break. The pause that refreshes!

I feel like an eclectic mess. Too many ideas and not enough fine tuning. I haven't honed it down, I haven't defined the market and most important of all, I think I haven't given it my all yet. I haven't, I haven't I haven't. I hope to God/dess that I don't die with a ton of regrets about not accomplishing things I wanted to in this kick at the can at living.

Okay, Enough! Man, it takes so much energy to feel and process fear and doubt, doesn't it? Take another breath and get ready to go again. After all, Sher, all anyone can ask of you, including you, is that you try, and keep on trying.


  1. Hey Sher! I think you have great ideas and I KNOW you make beautiful things. You must do exactly what your gut is saying, and keep on trying. Because you will strike the right balance - I know it.....

    Your fan,


  2. Thanks! If there was a way to reach through the wires, i'd give you a BIG HUG!!

  3. I just received that hug, and it was lovely and warm..... big hugs right back at you.

